During these summer months, most of us are experiencing a paradox in our lives. Without Covid, we would be swimming, hiking and sharing BBQ’s. Our world would be outside in celebration of nature, warmth and family. Summer is the time for expansion of space, time, self and experience. Our bodies know this rhythm and ache for the freedom of summer.
However, held in tension with the Summers of past, our souls are in the Winter of their maturity. The soul travels in timelessness. Not tethered to external seasonality, or structure of daylight. It meanders across time zones, oceans and lifetimes. And yet, the soul has an inherent journey.
Collectively, we are in the Winter of our soul journey. Out of the Covid matrix we have been required to plant seeds for humility, global integration, forgiveness, compassion and wisdom. Still the demands are present for our collective willingness to meet one anther in our places of judgement, fear, anxiety and anger. We are in the Winter of our soul.
Winter of darkness, the unknown, and an anticipation for what fruits will bear in the Spring. How long will this Winter sustain itself? Man is striving to meet this virus head-on, and this is laudable. But it is not the end of the story. The story must include our soul’s journey. We must integrate our body, mind and spirit so that both individual and collective healing occurs.
I see so much soul expansion during this time. Countless pivots and re-directs of businesses, relationships and life choices. I see individuals helping one anther in generous acts of kindness. I see activism rising to meet the swollen truth of racism, judgement and bitterness.
Now is the time to be patient and kind to ourselves and others. To be very discerning with our choice of words, and intentions. To strip away the pretense of safety we have hidden behind and embrace the truth; that we are each just one body having an experience of the whole of humanity. We can not continue to separate ourselves through resources and language. We must go beyond Me to WE. In this way we will pass out of the Winter of our soul into the Spring of light and bounty. Join me in this shift in consciousness.
Please share with those who may need help at this time:
I am offering one hour guidance sessions to support individuals in real-time life adjustments, spiritual discernment and fear busting. We will explore the growing edge and steps for living fully into this unprecedented time in history. These funds will be donated, through Shared Wisdom non-profit, to help those most in need at this time.
Latest Podcast: What's In The Gap?
Blessings, Nirmala