Well, one way is to be inspired by women who exude juiciness.The world is ablaze now. Our daily routines have profoundly shifted. There is an opening for us to operate outside the box of the familiar and live into JOY and EXUBERANCE. To be juicy and fiery. It is possible to exude JOY even in a world which seems unstable and unpredictable. It can drip down our chins like the juice of a sweet peach, if we let it.
Standing in the way of our experience of wholeness and vitality is a malaise, a settling for JOY-LESS-NESS. Or maybe we have been looking for joy outside of ourselves and simply forgot that we are JOY and that we ooze juiciness just by the truth that we are women. Sometimes we need to be reminded of our distinct power in the world~our Shakti and our inherent vibrancy.
Several years ago my dear friend Siddhi and I made a promise to one another. A promise to be friends for life. Setting our intention and the tending of our friendship has fostered a journey which has exposed the beauty of deep trust and safety in a friendship. We belly-laugh together and share the tears of mothers, daughters, and sisters. I tell you this because within our promise to be friends for life, we also promised to inspire one another to nurture joy and vitality and juiciness and light-heartedness.... so that we might live into the sweetness of the embodied form.
Every woman deserves a friend, a circle, a sangha that inspires her to burst out of whatever is restricting her from being her juiciest and most exuberant self. To connect with her own JOY.
Mark your calendars and join Siddhi and me for a WEEKLY sangha gathering

Let the ancient tools of
RECENTER~RECALIBRATE & RECONNECT to your deepest nature.
Beginning Saturday Morning, August 29th from 8-8:45am PDT
We will gather on ZOOM (Link Below).
Use these precious 45 minutes to Remember YOUR Divine Nature and RECLAIM
the entirety of yourself. You deserve it. The world deserves the best version of you!!
Side Notes:
Please share with those who may need support at this time:
I am offering one hour guidance sessions to support individuals in real-time life adjustments, spiritual discernment and fear busting. We will explore the growing edge and steps for living fully into this unprecedented time in history. These funds will be donated, through Shared Wisdom non-profit, to help those most in need at this time.
Latest Podcast: What's In The Gap?
Blessings, Nirmala