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Donate for Global Relief

When you donate to our Fragrance of JOY Community your donations are passed through our Shared Wisdom nonprofit to support global service organizations. In this way you join both a personal spiritual community and the larger global community.


I  believe that we are each an integral piece of the whole. Our support of others is also the exploration of ourselves. We are reminded of the fragile truth of our humanity. We can commit to our own health and wellbeing while also serving the whole of humanity. 


When we see ourselves as part of the whole and not separate from, it is not necessary to consider geography as a criterion for support, but rather need and possibility.


Our goal for 2025 is for Shared Wisdom to donate $100,000 to various charities in support of their timely and humanitarian outreach. Highlighted below are a few of the organizations which we currently support through our Shared Wisdom nonprofit organization.

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GO CAMPAIGN is one of our GO TO nonprofits. They are experts at vetting grassroots organizations who are addressing real time challenges, natural disasters and humanitarian

relief around the world. One recent campaign Shared Wisdom participated in supported educational opportunities in Afghanistan, specifically for girls. Educating girls is paramount in moving towards a more egalitarian and balanced humanity.

To see the breadth and scope of Go Campaign's outreach visit,

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In many societies, marriage is a celebrated institution signifying a union between two adults and the beginning of their future together. Unfortunately, millions of girls still suffer from vastly different marriage experiences every year. Many brides around the world are still children, not even teenagers. So young are some girls that they hold onto their toys during the wedding ceremony. Often these girls become mothers in their early teens, while they are still children themselves. 


This practice can result in profound negative consequences for the girls, their families, and entire communities. Globally, an estimated 12 million girls are married before reaching age 18. Join us in our mission to empower girls and end child marriage.

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Along with the worthy nonprofit organizations listed above, we also support the following nonprofits. 

>Doctors Without Borders

>American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

>Cleanslate, Los Angeles

>Save the Children, International

>Siddhartha School, Partnership India

>Second Harvest of Silicon Valley

>Days For Girls, South Africa

>La Cocina Municipal Marketplace, San Francisco

>The Bread of Life, East Palo Alto, California


Tashi Lhunpo Monastery

For the Tibetan Buddhist community to continue its legacy, support of this educational monastery in India is paramount.

The education and spiritual development of Tibetan Buddhist monks is now occuring at the Tashi Lhunpo in-exile Monastery in Bylacuppe, India. It is the replacement for the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in Tibet. Protecting this long held tradition enriches our world.
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Investing in women is the smart thing to do. And more importantly, it’s the right thing to do. Women For Women International creates a palatable ripple across the world.
When women can use their power, they reinvest it in their families, their communities, and their countries to make the whole world better — for everyone.
Shared Wisdom non-profit and our Fragrance of JOY sangha have been matched with a young woman in Nigeria. Our monthly support ensures that she is able to continue her education and support herself.
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